The article was prepared by Sergey Belimenko, president of the company, a leading manufacturer of electric boilers.
Is electric heating (including electric boilers) the future?
There is a significant increase in renewable energy sources, which increases the relevance of the use of electric water heaters.
In 2021, electricity generated from renewable sources in the EU reached a new peak of 1,068 TWh, a 1% increase (+12 TWh) year-on-year and a 9% (+88 TWh) increase compared to 2019. Renewable energy sources represent 37% of EU electricity production in 2021 compared to 34% in 2019.
Wind and solar have been responsible for most of the growth in renewables since 2019. Wind and solar power reached a new record in 2021 (547 TWh), generating more electricity than fossil gas (524 TWh) for the first time. Wind and solar generated 19% of EU electricity in 2021, up from 17% in 2019.
Given the information provided, as well as the growing desire for energy independence in more and more countries, switching to electric heating (electric boilers) is very relevant at the moment.

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